Interview with Celine Fellay: Sitech’s Role in the AMIGDALA Project
In this interview, we chat with Celine Fellay from Sitech about the company’s role in the AMIGDALA project.
What is the primary focus of Sitech in the AMIGDALA project?
Sitech focuses on the modelling at local level, making use of the CIMS model which was built to evaluate transition paths for the chemical cluster Chemelot, in the south of the Netherlands.
How is Sitech contributing to the development of the Proof-of-Concept for the integrated model?
We are discussing with the other modelers on how to connect our models (which input can be provided by which models, what output can our models deliver, etc.) to create the modelling framework that will be used for the Proof-of-Concept. We are also aligning with the scenario team the input that will be required from scenarios and with the data team to make sure we are all using the same data when possible.
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